ACOM 2021-2026 Strategic Plan
1.1 Promote a learning environment that demonstrates integrity according to the highest academic, professional, and ethical standards.
1.2 Expand targeted communications to engage students in success initiatives.
1.3 Develop a comprehensive student advisement plan for all four years that recognizes student success, identifies areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, and promotes wellness.
2.1 Create a faculty mentoring program to support, set expectations, and monitor progress.
2.2 Promote high-quality, innovative teaching and the scholarship of teaching.
2.3 Enhance and expand the OPP-focused, ACOM educational clinic presence.
2.4 Enhance the continuum of osteopathic medical education throughout the ACOM curriculum.
2.5 Develop a comprehensive excellence in teaching and leadership (course director/clerkship chair) program to include peer and self-assessment.
3.1 Continuously improve the ACOM curriculum to ensure that students receive the most effective and relevant curriculum for the practice of evidence-based osteopathic medicine.
3.2 Develop a program and policies concerning curriculum design, andragogical/pedagogical principles, assessment standards, and course evaluation standards.
4.1 Enhance and expand student orientation to help students navigate their academic pathway through each OMS year.
4.2 Make all programmatic level educational outcomes known to students, faculty, and others with responsibility for student education and assessment.
5.1 Create and publish effective processes for timely, accurate, and consistent tracking of data required for accreditation.
5.2 Strive for excellence by positioning ACOM for applicant status.
6.1 Establish processes for planning and continual institutional assessment, improvement, and innovation, including a systematic review of organizational performance and financial stewardship.
6.2 Evaluate current information technology and learning resources.
6.3 Enhance curriculum via instructional design.
7.1 Create a sustainable environment and culture that prioritizes a diverse and excellent workforce and student body, creates an environment of inclusion, and maintains equity in the opportunities provided to maximize the potential of all stakeholders.
7.2 Support and empower our outstanding faculty and staff via development, rewards, and engagement.
7.3 Promote physical and mental health and wellbeing of faculty, staff, and students.
8.1 Enhance and develop internal communication strategies, standards, and techniques.
9.1 Organize and launch a comprehensive onboarding and orientation program for faculty and staff that introduces them to ACOM and all the various offices and activities, and shares our commitment to our mission, vision, and core values.
9.2 Create and deliver focused faculty and staff development computer-based learning modules, events, and workshops.
10.1 Improve the design, oversight, integration, and effectiveness of organizational processes.
10.2 Create a culture of planning, action, and assessment.
11.1 Enhance and optimize the core site, hospital, and preceptor network.
11.2 Expand ACOM’s initiatives in Graduate Medical Education.
12.1 Facilitate partnerships and service/educational activities that increase the impact of ACOM in the local community, with a focus on the medically underserved.
13.1 Enhance the reputation and visibility of ACOM to external constituents.
14.1 Increase engagement and satisfaction of alumni, partners, volunteers, and other stakeholders.
14.2 Create a comprehensive development campaign to grow fundraising in direct relation to the needs and ambitions of ACOM.
15.2 Support research and/or scholarly activity that includes and/or incorporates osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) and osteopathic principles and practice (OPP) as a component of the research and/or scholarly activity.
15.3 Create, publish, and follow policies and procedures to support student driven research and scholarly activity, as well as student participation in the research and scholarly activities of the faculty.
16.1 Create an Office of Institutional Research to provide information to support College decision-making through various analytic activities, data-gathering tasks, and research projects.
17.1 Provide leadership in the identification, development, and coordination of public and private grant development activities consistent with ACOM’s mission, goals, and strategic initiatives.
18.1 Collaborate with external partners, the ACOM clinical network, and ACOM-affiliated residency programs on research efforts to support scholarly activity and development for students and faculty.