Alabama Medical Education Consortium (AMEC) Update

The state-funded Alabama Medical Education Consortium (AMEC), incorporated in 2004 as a 501C3, with a mission to increase the number of physicians in rural and underserved areas of Alabama. The AMEC Pipeline successfully brought third- and fourth-year medical students to Alabama for their last two years of medical school. Core sites were developed throughout the state for clinical training to provide community-based education. The core teaching sites were later committed to the Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine (ACOM) for placement of its third- and fourth-year medical students for clinical clerkships.

A second mission was undertaken in 2017 to assist hospitals with startup State funding and consultation to develop new residency programs. Recognizing that many physicians tend to practice near where they train, AMEC began conversations with Alabama hospitals about developing residency programs.  AMEC and ACOM have successfully worked to develop and enrich the growing number of teaching hospitals in Alabama. In 2025, 10 Alabama hospitals had established Graduate Medical Education programs affiliated with the ACOM. The specialties of these 18 accredited programs include Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, a Transitional Year, Psychiatry, Sports Medicine, and Geriatric Medicine.

We are pleased to share the data below about the programs and the resident/physician population generated by AMEC/ACOM efforts

Medical student graduates from AMEC’s Pipeline

124 licensed in Alabama as of 2024

Residents in AMEC-affiliated programs

21 in 2018-19
367 in 2024-25

Number of PGY-1 positions

21 in 2018
175 projected in July 2025

Residency program graduates since 2018

241 projected in June 2025
70 licensed in Alabama